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Shopping Basket Tips
- To Order the item(s) listed in your cart click on 'Checkout'
- To Delete item(s) from the basket click on the trash can
- To Browse, or Search for other products, please click on 'Continue Shopping'
- To change Quantity - Enter a number into the 'Quantity' box
- When you are finished making the changes click on 'Update Totals'
- To Review more information about the items in your basket, click on the view item
- Before you click on 'Checkout' please check the price and quantity details you are
submitting are correct
- If you wish to save this cart to be used at a later date please click he 'Save as Quote'
button you will then be able to access this through 'My Saved Quotes' in the members
- If you unexpetedly drop out of the checkout process you will be able to access your
order through the 'View My Orders' in the members area